We have a list of local kennels and cateries. We recommend that you contact the establishment themselves to view the premises and have a chat with the proprietor to ascertain there suitability for you and your pets needs.
Cliffe Kennels | 01226 762391 |
Huthwaite | 01142 883575 |
Rainbow Hill | 01142 467410 |
Rivo's Kennels | 01226 767100 |
Skew Hill | 01142 313046 |
The Hollows | 01142 695506 |
Huthwaite | 01142 883575 |
Skew Hill | 01142 313046 |
Storrs House | 01142 331462 |
Rainbow Hill | 01142 467410 |
Westwood | 01142 844364 |
Acacia Lodge | 01226 746344 |
The Cat’s Whiskers Luxury Cat Hotel | 07710 623 722 |
Local Rescues
Barnsley Animal Rescue | |
Cat Protection Helpline | 03000 121212 |
Dog Warden Service | 01142 037415 |
The Hollows Rescue Contact Dot Oldfield |
01142 695506 |
Staffordshire Bull Terrier Rescue Contact Mrs Green |
01204 573942 |
Please visit the surgery for a full list of breed rescues.