
We have a list of local kennels and cateries. We recommend that you contact the establishment themselves to view the premises and have a chat with the proprietor to ascertain there suitability for you and your pets needs.


Cliffe Kennels 01226 762391
Huthwaite 01142 883575
Rainbow Hill 01142 467410
Rivo's Kennels 01226 767100
Skew Hill 01142 313046
The Hollows 01142 695506


Huthwaite 01142 883575
Skew Hill 01142 313046
Storrs House 01142 331462
Rainbow Hill 01142 467410
Westwood 01142 844364
Acacia Lodge 01226 746344
The Cat’s Whiskers Luxury Cat Hotel 07710 623 722

Local Rescues

Barnsley Animal Rescue

Cat Protection Helpline 03000 121212

Dog Warden Service 01142 037415

The Hollows Rescue
Contact Dot Oldfield
01142 695506

Staffordshire Bull Terrier Rescue
Contact Mrs Green
01204 573942

Please visit the surgery for a full list of breed rescues.

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